
The bot.ts core files updater command.

This script overwrite your files, please read the entierty of this page before using this script!


npm run update

Which files are update?

All files in the src/app folder are affected by the update. But also all the files which correspond with the following glob pattern are affected too: src/**/*.native.ts

Here is a list of special files that will always be updated.


Customize native file and ignore it during an update

If you want to customize a native file (*.native.ts), the first step is to disable updates on this file. It's easy, just remove the native part of file name. (e.g. eval.native.ts becomes eval.ts)

You get an error while using the command

If you get an error telling you that your Gulpfile has been changed, don't worry! You simply have to rerun the command in order to use the new Gulpfile to update the framework.

Last updated