
Powerful logging utilities to enhance your server terminal output.

Use the default logger

You can use the logger provided in "app" to create simple logs in the server terminal while remaining in the system logger theme. For example in a command where one of the actions may be problematic, you can do this:

import logger from "#core/logger"

// ...

try {
  // some problematic action
} catch (error) {
  logger.error(error as Error)

You can also uses the other methods of logging like app.log() for default informative logs, app.warn() for warning logs and app.success() for congratulations.

Create a logger namespace

If you need a logger for a specific behavior or theme, you can create one using the class present in the @ghom/logger lib. For example in a namespace supposed to represent a websocket exchange:

import { Logger } from "#core/logger"

const logger = new Logger({ section: "websocket" })

export function wsInit() {
  // init websoclet connection...

  logger.log("Successfuly initialized")

Update the default system logger configuration

You can update the default logger configuration by modifying the logger property in your src/config.ts file. Here is an example of a configuration that removes the logger styles:

import { Config } from "#core/config"

export const config = new Config({
  // ...
  logger: {
    pattern: (text, _config, secondaryText) => `${text} - ${secondaryText}`,

export default config.options

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