
To install bot.ts, please read these instructions very carefully, every word is important!


First, you need to make sure that you have an environment compatible with bot.ts.

  • Node ^=18.x.x

  • NPM ^=9.x.x

  • Git ^=2.x.x

Install the CLI

To install bot.ts, you must first install globaly the CLI with the following command.

npm i -g @ghom/bot.ts-cli

Generate files

Then you can go to the place where you want to place your project (e.g. /home) and run the make bot command.

CLI pattern

bot make [name] [path]

  name                  # Bot name                             [default: "bot.ts"]
  path                  # Bot path                                  [default: "."]

      --version         # Show version number                            [boolean]
      --help            # Show help                                      [boolean]
  -p, --prefix          # Bot prefix                                [default: "."]
  -l, --locale          # Locale timezone                          [default: "en"]
  -d, --database        # Used database
                        #[choices: "sqlite3", "mysql2", "pg"] [default: "sqlite3"]
  -t, --token           # Bot token                                       [string]
  -o, --owner           # Your Discord id                                 [string]
  -h, --host            # Database host                     [default: "localhost"]
      --port            # Database port                                   [string]
  -u, --user            # Database user                                   [string]
      --password, --pw  # Database password                               [string]
      --dbname, --db    # Database name                                   [string]

Giving the token is highly recommended, it will help setup a lot of environment variables.


Setup a simple bot with sqlite3.

bot make "bot-name" --token "bot-token" --prefix "!" --locale "fr"

If you want to choose a database other than sqlite3, you can enter it directly with the --database option. Several options can then be added, such as host, port, password, etc.

bot make "bot-name" --token "bot-token" --database "pg" --schema "postgres" --user "postgres"

The connection data to your database are all editable in the .env file after the build.

Now is installed

The .env file has been created and contains your bot's private information, you can now do the following command to go to the root of your project!

cd "bot-name"

Last updated