
Read this category if you have any issues with the framework or the CLI.

PSSecurityException on install

When using the CLI, your console displays an error of type PSSecurityException. (picture attached)

Fix PSSecurityException

Open your PowerShell as administrator and simply enter the following command.

set-executionpolicy remotesigned

SyntaxError: Cannot use import outside a module

When you launch the bot after an update from a version older than the "Arliming" release, you may need to update the package.json file. This problem is due to a conversion of the module system of bot.ts (from CommonJS to ESModule).

Fix SyntaxError: Cannot use import outside a module

Just add the "type": "module", entry to the package.json file!


When you launch the bot after an update from a version older than the "Arliming" release, some imports may be obsolete. This problem is due to a conversion of the module system of bot.ts (from CommonJS to ESModule).


  1. Go to the file at this location: src/app.js (The second path underlined in red)

  2. Search for the module import src/app.native(The first path underlined in red)

  3. Add .js at the end of the import path.

Tip for Jetbrains IDEs

  1. Press ctrl + shift + R to open the replacement-tool.

  2. Switch to regex mode.

  3. Use the following regex and click on "Replace all".

Last updated